🤩Ever thought about ✍🏻writing to help clear your mind and process your thoughts❓Rebecca Gifford got me started, (great therapy🥰 for health and wellness) when she offered her course through: UBC Brain Health and Wellness. She's now offering her new course, independently starting Sept 8th. I'd highly recommend it. 💯 (Details Below) ✅ You're worthy of self-care❣️
Registration is open! My online writing workshop — Express Yourself: A Writing Workshop for Non-Writers — begins September 8 and it’s open to anyone willing to explore their inherent creativity through writing to help you: move through challenge and change, find and use your authentic voice, and connect with others through storytelling. No writing experience necessary! Only curiosity and a willingness to try something new.
Come play with me! Click the link below for more info and for registration links. Early bird pricing is currently available.
Registration page: https://tightropetheatre.com/express-yourself Express Yourself! Finding Strength in Your Words Rebecca Gifford