Hi Everyone, 👋 @stigmafreesocietysfs
I’m excited to announce my collaboration, with the Stigma-Free Society ❣️
I’m teaming up with Stigma-Free Society as one of their Champions, to share my story and advocate for mental health!
Do you know someone struggling? Perhaps you might say: "I really want to be with you and explore what's going on for you with curiosity." Followed up with: "I've never experienced that, what's that like for you❓" Then, truly listen.
Together, we can create brave spaces, for individuals to break their silence, by providing unbiased support while coming alongside with curiosity. In this way, we will ensure the individual has access to informed choice and resources.

🥰 I'm honoured to have been invited to be a Stigma-Free Champion, and to "represent the Stigma-Free Society’s values of understanding, awareness, and acceptance. Each stigma-free champion, has lived experience with mental health challenges and/or stigma, and is passionate about the subject. Through campaigns and social media, Stigma-Free Champions help spread the message of living Stigma-Free."
This past Monday, November 1st, I took part in the first of a two day peer support training program, which will conclude November 8th, 2021, hosted by the:

In partnership with Robyn Priest (Live Your Truth)
As an advocate I want to learn, as many of us do, how to support loved ones, friends, family, colleagues and indeed ANYONE STRUGGLING. We all are on the mental health continuum. WE ALL HAVE BRAINS & BODIES, AND REQUIRE HEALTH CARE ABOVE THE NECK❣️
Mental Health Continuum
Positive, Healthy Functioning Severe impact on everyday functioning.

Everything is great. Wheels are falling off...
Educators / Teachers / Advocates of Education: Would you like to help provide feedback?
Input is needed for revisions and updates to the Stigma-Free Society's: Student Mental Health Toolkit (found here: https://studentmentalhealthtoolkit.com/)❓
Add comments below or get in touch via e-mail with your feedback and suggestions. I'm excited to have an opportunity to consult as a volunteer as they draft new resources to support educators and students.
( ✅ Check out the Stigma-Free Zone ➡️ Blog)
Do you have lived experience and an interest in peer support training❓
“Peer support is a supportive relationship between people who have a lived experience in common.” (MHCC) The Stigma Free Society offers:
✅ Peer Support Worker Training (Click Link) and sign up today. Offered by donation to individuals in rural and agricultural communities.
We're #STRONGERTOGETHER , as we reduce add our voices to the conversation, reduce stigma and lean into #SUPPORTSFORALL = Mental Health & Well-Being.
Do you need help to find support for your mental health, from people who understand your way of life❓
Check out: ✅ Stigma-Free on Social Media:
Instagram: @stigmafreesocietysfs https://www.instagram.com/stigmafreesocietysfs/
Facebook: @stigmafreesocietysfs https://www.facebook.com/stigmafreesocietySFS
Twitter: @SFsociety_ https://twitter.com/SFsociety_
LinkedIn: Stigma Free Society https://www.linkedin.com/company/13991543/admin/
AND TAKE THE PLEDGE TODAY✅ https://stigmafreesociety.com/pledge/
Thank you Jocelyn for this informative blog post, full of many ways to support those going through mental health challenges! It is amazing to see you sharing your passion for mental health and advocacy in this way. We appreciate you highlighting our work and being an incredible Stigma-Free Champion!
- Ellen
Communications Lead, Stigma-Free Society