I was recently interviewed, on the podcast, Juggling Without Balls, by host Monica Parkin.
I’ve enjoyed listening to Monica’s podcasts previously and was delighted to be her guest. Two of my recent favourites offered significant take-aways for personal reflection on my journey to renewed physical health & wellness:
As a new #mentalhealth advocate, and someone who wants to reduce the stigma surrounding speaking about mental illness, I appreciated Monica’s invitation, and the opportunity to speak power into my truth, and share my story.
Was it scary to be interviewed? Absolutely. Knowing I would share my struggle and fears publicly was a decision not made lightly. Considering what seems a truly miraculous recovery, I wanted to share, though so when invited, said "yes." It takes a community of support to recover from trauma, and together, as we support one another, we become stronger.

I trusted Monica implicitly,
despite being a guarded introvert As we open the conversation up, others who may struggle in silence may sense the collective strength of the #mentalhealth community and seek the supports they deserve, require and are worthy of.
Listen to the interview below and, if willing to share with your network, friends and family on Social Media, I would be sincerely appreciative.
Leave a comment here on the blog or feedback I can share by sending me an e-mail giving me "permission to share."
Please also consider leaving feedback on Monica’s site. She did a masterful job at hosting, and I appreciated her insights and skill as an interviewer.
Carol W - October 29th, 21 (*Comment mailed in by blog member.) “As someone who lost two sisters to cystic fibrosis, I have known for a long time that I often process life’s events differently than many others. Listening to your podcast Jocelyn, helped me better understand some of those background connections that seemed to be engrained in my soul. I’m looking forward to reading your memoir! Very best wishes with this new chapter!”
I thoroughly enjoyed this interview as it helped me understand what you went through. I was very moved at many points and learned many things. I loved the silver linings you shared and also the advice about asking people what support looks like for them today. This is something I can use in my day to day life. I was proud of the strength I heard in your voice and I look forward to seeing all the ways you will use what you have learned about your own mental health and your healing journey to help others. Thank you for sharing this with us!
This interview is brilliant. (Rare adjective for me to use)
You are poised and flawlessly articulate. The story of your struggle and what you discover about healing gives me pause to reexamine my own life events in a new light. Thank you and good luck carrying your self-advocacy work forward.
Please leave your feedback and comments about the podcast here: https://jugglingwithoutballs.ca/podcast/mental-health-matters-with-jocelyn-bystrom/