Will you help advocate and drive change, by posting, sharing and driving change❓
Help us spread the message about National Addictions Awareness Week and Driving Change Together!
Nov. 21-27 is #NationalAddictionsAwarenessWeek. Learn more about the difference you can make:https://www.ccsa.ca/national-addictions-awareness-week #NAAW2021

Like heart disease, diabetes and other health issues, substance use disorder is a diagnosable medical condition. Supporting people who are seeking treatment makes wellness possible. Join us in #DrivingChangeTogether and be the change in your community. https://www.ccsa.ca/national- addictions-awareness-week #NAAW2021
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@StigmaFreeSociety Take the StigmaFree pledge❣️

Are you an educator teaching tomorrow's global citizens❓

www.ccsa.ca • www.ccdus.ca