Interested in advocating for #mentalhealth in your workplace, consider this training and:
Do you need a #mentalhealth related question answered about your place of employment? health & safety? Click below for reliable answers and support from the:
Canadian Center for Occupational Health & Safety, who have a significant number of #mentalhealth supports, resources,

Then head to the CCOHS.ca website for answers.

What are your questions?
(Share them below in the #comments?)

How does listening help?
How can I address a conflict at work?
How can I find enough courage to have a difficult conversation?
How to ask for support without stigma?
I'm feeling burned out, what can I do?
What are psychosocial health & safety factors?
How can I check in with my employer before returning to work, after a #mentalhealth /#medical leave? I'm not sure I'm ready.
I have a new #MH diagnosis, who can I talk to about support as I return to work?
How can I help re-ignite the conversation about workplace health and well-bring?
What can I do to encourage conversation and reduce stigma in my workplace?
Where can I find resources to help support my work / life balance
How to I advocate for myself, while I acquire the support and care I need?
*Please comment with your #questions, or #links to additional, reliable, vetted #MentalHealth information below. ❤️🏳️🌈🧡
*** and tell me what you think of the site. I'd love some feedback, suggestions for improvement or to know what you think so far. ~Jocelyn